Numerical Investigations on behavior of a modified simple hypoplastic model by using finite elements
hypoplastic, algorithm, stable solution, deformationAbstract
This short study describes about the behavior of a simple hypoplastic equation proposed by Wu Wei (1992) with applying modified stress update algorithm routine. Details of the model and the modified algorithm are described in Section 2. Motivation of this modification is to have a more stable solution algorithm than original one. The “more stable solution” here means only homogeneous deformation may occur during oedometric and plane strain compression test on single element. The inhomogeneous deformation of single element might be triggered by the evolution of shear stress. In the Sections 3 the finite element modeling of oedometric and plain strain compression test is described, followed by the comparison of the result of modified and original algorithm routine. In addition, the simulation of the penetration of footing into sand specimen is also simulated by applying the modified algorithm routine on the hypoplastic model. The result is compared with those using elasto-plastic Drucker Prager model.
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